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Do you have specialty items for disposal?

Please check the list below. We accept appliances, mattresses, tires, and liquid paint. Fees, limits, and loading restrictions apply.

Appliances - limit four (4)

$15 per item

  • Load these items in the dumpster last inside the back doors.
  • All large appliances must have the base resting on the floor of the dumpster. If they are the only item(s) that extend above the top rail, there will be no additional charge for the height.
  • Each major appliance or appliance containing freon found not loaded by the back doors or buried in the load will be subject to an additional $50 handling charge.

Acceptable Items

  • Major appliances include washers, dryers, ranges, water heaters.
  • Appliances with Freon include refrigerators, freezers, A/C units, dehumidifiers, beverage coolers, etc.
  • There is no extra charge for dishwashers, microwaves, or trash compactors. Load by the back doors.

Mattresses and box springs

$15 per item

  • These need to be laid flat in the dumpster or loaded on their side.
  • If mattresses/box springs are the only item that extend above the top rail and do not exceed 12”, there will be no additional charge for the height.

Car Tires - limit five (5)

  • Acceptable tire size - car and light truck tires up to 20” rim size
  • Off the rims ……………………………………………… $15 each
  • On the rims ………………………………..…………….. $20 each

Tires must be set outside the dumpster by the rear doors.

Tires found inside the dumpster are subject to an additional handling fee ………………………………………………………… $40 each

Paint cans/buckets including chemicals, adhesives, tar, or other non-food-grade material

  • Limit five (5) 1-gallon sized cans ……………………… $20 each
  • Limit one (1) 5-gallon sized bucket ……………………… $80

Cans/containers/buckets found in the dumpster are subject to an additional $35 per gallon handling fee. i.e. 1-gallon sized can is an additional $35; a 5-gallon sized bucket is an additional $175

Cans/containers/buckets must be set outside the dumpster by the rear doors.

Paint cans that contain no liquid AND have no lid are acceptable regular waste (no charge).

Paint mixed with kitty litter and/or rabbit bedding so that it is no longer liquid can be placed in the regular waste stream.

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